Friday, September 10, 2010

Life Connections

This week we got disturbing news that two of our oldest friends and brothers in Christ are in the hospital.  When these things happen, I feel every inch of that 8,500+ miles that we are away from "home."  Sending an email seems so inadequate, calling is difficult with the slow access speed here, and hugs just don't cross the miles.  With all our modern ways to communicate, nothing can replace being face-to-face in troubled times.  I think of the difficult times in our lives when our friends sat with us in emergency or surgery waiting rooms, brought us meals as we struggled with home care, and lent us ears to listen and soft shoulders to cry into when we couldn't bear things anymore.  This is what God  intended for us - to turn to Him in prayer and to each other for comfort and support.  I'm sorry I can't be there for our old friends right now, but I hope that our new friends here know we are here for them.

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