Sunday, July 28, 2013

First Full Day of Travel - Reno NV to Provo UT

Today started early - probably because we were wedged between two semis in a truck rest stop, drawing in their engine heat (and fumes) while we sweat in our fifth-wheel all night.  We did get a decent night's sleep, but couldn't believe the Nevada heat.  I thought it got cold in the desert!  It was worth driving a little farther than Mullhaven yesterday, though we had to make do boondocking at this rest stop.  It made today's long run across Nevada much shorter.  We still had several hours of sunlight left by the time we got to Utah Lake State Park.  What a lovely little campground this is, right on the shore of the largest fresh-water lake in Utah.  Funny enough, it's just a little south of that other big, but salty lake.  For the reasonable fee of $28 plus a booking fee, we got a pull-through site, water & power hookups, a grill, and a hard-top pavilion with concrete floor and large aluminum table.

Being Sunday didn't hurt, but the drive was actually pretty easy and the speed limit of mostly 75 mph made the mile just fly by.  Many people say driving across Nevada is boring, but we found with the constantly-changing mountain scenery, it was actually quite interesting.  Getting such an early start (we beat the sun up), most of our road companions were the big rigs until early afternoon.  We did stop more for gas than we hoped, but we seemed to spend most of the time going uphill and the gas mileage suffered accordingly.

Tomorrow we head for Breckenridge, Colorado area, which should be interesting with getting to the Rockies.

Friday, July 26, 2013

T Minus 6 Hours & 35 Minutes...

Takeoff Day is almost upon us.  Randy is well into his last day of work before his sabbatical, as I load up the RV for our departure tomorrow.  It's been so long in coming, it's really hard to believe we're leaving home once again until autumn is upon us.  Thank goodness our house-sitters will be continuing to stay here as we travel across the country TWICE, once back & forth to Indiana, and again back & forth to Texas.  

I've been home almost a month after being in Oregon for two years, doing lots of yard work & sprucing up around the place.  Randy flew into the Bay area yesterday morning after commuting back & forth that same month.  We gave up our little 2-bedroom apartment in Orenco Station with a little sigh, but not too big a one, as it was very dark (all windows facing north) and had poor sound isolation from our neighbors.  The tougher thing to leave was our garden plot at the nearby community gardens, that was just beginning to produce some lovely tomatoes and squash, with lots of promise of peppers soon to come.  But we are looking forward to some fresh Hoosier produce next week, especially the tomatoes and corn.

It hardly needs to be said, but we're most looking forward to seeing our family and dear friends again on this trip.  It's been four long years since our last visit, after years of going almost every year.  We have great-nieces and nephews we haven't even met yet!  With the back-to-back Singapore and Oregon assignments, we just couldn't make it back before now.  All I can say is "Look out, America!  The Mulls are hitting the highway again."